Circulation system (cardiovascular, endocrinal, lymphatic, urinary and digestive)


Massage can improve the flow of blood, which can help poor circulation and lower the blood pressure. When you have a massage, the cortisol production levels are lowered so your blood pressure lowers as a result. Cortisol causes constriction of blood vessels, which leads to an elevation of blood pressure. Massage also reduces the level of adrenalin, hormone that mediates our reaction to stress, and this results in lower heart rate and lower blood pressure.

The kidneys regulate blood pressure by controlling the amount of water in the blood. Keep up the good intake of water. Waste products that have been released during massage find their way via the blood to the kidneys where they may be filtered out and eliminated.

Gentle massage stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps to clear the body of a build-up of waste products. The relaxing effect of the massage can relieve stress, which in turn can boost the immune system. Research studies have highlighted that a relaxation massage results in the stimulation of the lymphatic system resulting in a slight increase in white blood cell levels – vital part of the body’s immune system and playing a key role in defending the body from disease.

Massage aids relaxation and therefore can help to increase the movement of food and waste products through the digestive system. Menstrual problems such as period pains and PMS can be alleviated by the relaxing effects of massage, as can menopausal symptoms.

By having a massage and taking time out to de-stress, you can decrease the hormones that cause anxiety and increase the calming, happy hormones we all so need at this time of year.





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